Epstool is a utility to create or extract preview images in EPS files, fix bounding boxes and convert to bitmaps.
Create EPS file tiger2.eps with TIFF (G3 Fax) preview
epstool --add-tiff-preview --device tiffg3 tiger.eps tiger2.eps
Add colour preview to EPS file
epstool ---add-tiff6p-preview tiger.eps tiger3.eps
Extract TIFF preview from tiger3.eps
epstool --extract-preview tiger3.eps tiger3.tif
EPS file has incorrect %%BoundingBox.
Add TIFF4 preview and calculate %%BoundingBox from bitmap.
epstool --add-tiff4-preview --bbox golfer.eps golfer2.eps
Adjust the BoundingBox of an existing EPS file, but don't add a preview:
epstool --copy --bbox golfer.eps golfer2.eps
Grab the epstool 3.09 Windows zip file or the Unix tar.gz file.
Send problem reports to Russell Lang.